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Figure 2 | BMC Medical Genomics

Figure 2

From: Animal model integration to AutDB, a genetic database for autism

Figure 2

Annotation Model for the Animal Model Database. Animal model entries are displayed at four levels: 1) a summary row format, where each entry is annotated with gene symbol, gene name, model species, synteny, total number of model reports, total number of animal models, links to both the primary PubMed reference reporting the generation of the model and the human study for the corresponding candidate gene, and an "Edit" function; 2) a detail level showing (i) candidate gene summary with links to its entries in the external databases Entrez Gene, Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI), and Allen Brain Atlas, (ii) references, and (iii) list of animal models; 3) the phenotypic profile of the animal model, organized under 16 categories called "PhenoBase" that are relevant for the biology of autism, and 4) a model summary providing information on the genetic construct used to create the animal model.

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