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Fig. 7 | BMC Medical Genomics

Fig. 7

From: A link between mitochondrial damage and the immune microenvironment of delayed onset muscle soreness

Fig. 7

Mitochondria may be a major player in the interaction between inflammation and the immune microenvironment in DOMS. (A). Possible mechanism of how mitochondria mediate immune cells in DOMS (. After intensive exercise, skeletal muscle cells are damaged, and mtDNA in mitochondria is released into inappropriate compartments, acting as PRRs and causing an immune response. . Damaged mitochondria produce more oxidative stress. This may further contribute to skeletal muscle damage, including PRR release, massive immune infiltration, and mitochondrial damage). PRRs: pattern recognition receptors. (B). Using our own samples for transmission electron microscopy experiments, skeletal muscle mitochondria were swollen and damaged (red arrows) after DOMS. (C). Western blot analysis of skeletal muscle samples

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