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Fig. 8 | BMC Medical Genomics

Fig. 8

From: Construction and validation of a metabolism-associated gene signature for predicting the prognosis, immune landscape, and drug sensitivity in bladder cancer

Fig. 8

External verification from IMvigor210 cohorts. A-C KM, ROC, and calibration curves of our signature were plotted. D Top to bottom, the risk score curves, survival status, and model gene expression heatmap are shown. E–G The correlation between the risk group and clinical characteristics (including the immunotherapy efficacy, TCGA_subtype, sex, etc.) was carried out by chi-square or Wilcox test. AUC, area under the curve; OS, overall survival; Met_status, metastatic status; Curr_or_Pre, current or previous. *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001

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